27 World ISHRS Congress in Bangkok!

27th World Congress is organized by the International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery (ISHRS) was held during Nov 13 - 17, 2019 in Bangkok, Thailand.
Dr Marija Balković is a member of ISHRS and one of the Congres particapants, together with other experts in hair transplant. 
The International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery (ISHRS) is a global non-profit medical association and the leading authority on hair loss treatment and restoration.The ISHRS provides continuing medical education to licensed, experienced physicians specializing in hair loss and restoration surgery and encourages the free interchange of ideas, knowledge and experience among its members. It also serves as a resource for the public on the latest medical and surgical hair restoration treatments for hair loss. 


With more than 1,000 members throughout 70 countries worldwide, the ISHRS is dedicated to achieving excellence in patient outcomes by promoting the highest standards of medical practice, medical ethics, and research in the medical hair restoration industry.