Održan je treći međunarodni kongres estetske i anti-aging medicine SESIAM u Beogradu
Kao i prethodnih godina dr Marija Balković je učestvovala na ovogodišnjem SESIAM kongresu.
Srbija: +381113676224 Ireland: +353862354968 UK: +353862354968 |
Srbija: +381695550259 Denmark: +4521632096 Italy: +393497280601 |
Kao i prethodnih godina dr Marija Balković je učestvovala na ovogodišnjem SESIAM kongresu.
Naša draga dr Marija Balković gostovala je u emisiji Mi Danas na televiziji K1.
Ove godine, najuglednije Internacionalno udruženje za hirušku restauraciju kose (ISHRS) je oraganizovalo 29. Svetski kongres u kongresnom centru u Lisabonu, Portugal.
Naša draga Dr Marija, bila je gost u živom, jutarnjem programu TV Prva.
U razgovoru naša doktorka odgovara na neka od Vaših najčešćih pitanja:
And this year, Dr. Marija Balković is participating in the ISHRS Congress, together with other experts in the field of hair transplantation and restoration.
Vaša bezbednost i bezbednost naših zaposlenih su nam na prvom mestu!
Covid 19 has shaken all of us! This is a time to be responsible and think of others.
As a medical facility, we need to stay open.
27th World Congress is organized by the International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery (ISHRS) was held during Nov 13 - 17, 2019 in Bangkok, Thailand.
Plastična i rekonstruktivna hirurgija je široka oblast oblast medicine koja se ubrzano razvija iz godine u godinu.
From the very beginning of the MBC clinic in 2008, Dr Marija Balković, as founder and facilitator, together with the entire MBC team, continuously works on further professional development,
As in previous years, Dr. Marija Balkovic was one of the participants in the World Congress of Aesthetic and Anti-Aging Medicine in Monaco.
The MBC Clinic with Dr. Marija Balkovic is the leader in hair transplantation according to the assessment of a specialized magazine for aesthetic and plastic surgery "Estetika".
The Congress had gathered the world's best plastic surgeons and plastic surgeons to share their knowledge and best practices with other participants.
Klinika MBC i dr Marija Balković dobijaju priznanje za izuzetnost u poslovanju.
The congress brought together top experts who presented their results and exchanged experiences.
Medical Beauty Center offers monthly promotions and discounts. Check with us every month!
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Medical Beauty Clinic - Maglajska 8, 11000 Beograd, Srbija
Tel:+381 11 367 6224 | Mob: +381 69 555 0259 | Email: office@mbc.rs